Reiki energy and the energy field

Raise your energetic vibration with Reiki

Life force energy

Universal life force energy is the non-physical vitality that gives life to all living things.  Our life force energy, also known as Ki, Chi or Prana is vital to our health and well-being.  It flows within the physical body and around the body in the aura.  The aura is a field of energy that completely surrounds the physical body and is made up of 7 layers.  It varies in strength depending on a person's health.

It is important to keep our energy body healthy as well as our physical body but we tend to focus only on the physical.  Reiki is holistic and is one way of keeping body, mind and spirit healthy, by treating both the cause and the symptoms of the energetic imbalance.




Energetic Vibration

Vibration is the frequency that our energy body resonates at.  Our life force energy responds to whatever is happening to us, our thoughts, feelings, what we are focusing on.  All of this effects our energetic vibration.

By raising our vibration, we are able to operate at a higher frequency, increasing the quality of life, nourishing the physical and energy bodies. The higher our vibration the more we live consciously, being more in tune with our true selves, life seems easier to deal with and we have a higher resistance to illness.

Any negative emotions influence the energy flow, we operate at a lower frequency causing constriction and eventually energy stagnation, this leaves us tired and exhausted and more susceptible to illness and less able to cope with whatever life throws at us.

How reiki can help

  • Reiki is a spiritual energy which vibrates at a very high rate, it raises our energetic vibration by working holistically on all levels of our being; emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.
  • Reiki resonates at a higher vibration than our normal life force energy, so receiving reiki helps to break down any blockages, strengthens the flow of energy and raises the vibration of the energy field (the aura).
  • Reiki calms the nervous system, giving a deep sense of inner calm, not only healing the physical body but works towards treating the cause of illness, promoting your ability to self-heal.

The aura


“No change in the physical body can happen without the change occurring in the energy body first.  The physical body can only materially express what is already there energetically.” 

Patrick Quanten MD

find out more about reiki here




















